Mackenzie Liddelow - Bid Solution Manager

About the author : Brand & Communications
Published on : 5/15/23
Reading time : 6 min
  • Over the past two years with Sodexo Australia, Mackenzie has worked passionately and applied herself to her various roles within the company, deeply immersing herself within the business and taking any and all opportunities with both hands. Now, her hard work has paid off. 

    If one word can be used to describe Mackenzie Liddelow, it is ‘determined.’ 

    Mackenzie is on the cusp of her biggest adventure yet—moving across the world to Scotland—where she will take on a new role as Business Development Bid Solution Manager for Sodexo’s UK & Ireland team.  

    With this life-changing step ahead of her, it’s hard to imagine that she ever started her career in the world of psychology.  

    One thing is for certain; she will continue to apply her love of learning and communications to her new role. 

    With the right attitude, anything is possible 

    Mackenzie originally started her career journey working part-time in Sodexo’s Perth Regional Support Centre to support herself through her Bachelor of Psychology degree at the University of Western Australia—both areas are a contrast to her current world of business, bid writing, tenders and submissions. 

    Although Mackenzie came from a far different background, it has been her determined and curious nature that has propelled her to explore every avenue, every opportunity, and continue learning wherever possible. 

    Since moving into Sodexo’s Business Development team, she has consistently sought opportunities to fuel her professional development and appetite for growth.  

    From weekly performance meetings with her manager to attending mentor programmes, undertaking additional training such as internal training videos or improving design skills, gaining on-site exposure and more, Mackenzie worked tirelessly to accumulate knowledge about the business and gain experience. 

    Although I didn’t have a background in Business Development, I was able to translate the skills I had learnt at university to the role. This, alongside great mentorship and a lot of practice allowed me to grow,” she said. 

    Mackenzie attributes her enthusiasm to her success. 

    “From the beginning, I was clear that I was very enthusiastic and willing to learn whatever I could. The enthusiasm was definitely there, and it has gotten me to where I am now. 

    Anytime anyone has asked me to do something, I’ve said ‘yes’. Just being able to give it a go is massive and great for personal development.” 

    Determination to succeed  

    It’s clear that Sodexo has supported Mackenzie’s professional development from the very beginning. After expressing interest in the business, Mackenzie began working as part of the IFMS contracts team as a Project Officer. Continuing to want to learn more, she asked about the possibility of taking on more work. So, her manager at the time worked to find a new role within the Business Development team. 

    Initially offered a 6-month contract role as Business Development Support Coordinator, her manager offered her a permanent position as Bid Coordinator-Writer which had become vacant within the team. This was due to her hard work, dedication and determination to succeed.  

    Mackenzie’s tireless dedication to her personal and professional development has always put her on the front foot to explore the endless opportunities in the organisation. 

    Despite her success coming from her diligence and determination, Mackenzie says it’s not been without constant support and encouragement from her team. 

    Being with a team that is so supportive definitely helped my progression and learning. They had my back and supported me throughout my journey,” she said. 

    When Mackenzie expressed interest in overseas exchange opportunities, she received a permanent job offer and promotion from the Sodexo UK & Ireland team.  

    I expressed interest in going overseas on an exchange to be able to learn from a global team and bring that knowledge back to Australia. My manager connected me with the UK & Ireland team who was looking for a Bid Solution Manager, and now I’m heading to Scotland at the end of the month.”  

    The way the team has supported Mackenzie exemplifies the business’s values. As a people-centric company, Sodexo believes in investing in its talent to nurture and develop a team that are skilled, supported and empowered to grow.  

    By ensuring their employees receive all opportunities and tools to spur their professional and personal development, employees like Mackenzie can discover their potential and thrive knowing there are always more opportunities to uncover within the company. 

    Not a goodbye, but a ‘see you later’ 

    After starting her journey with Sodexo Australia just two years ago, Mackenzie now faces her biggest frontier yet, moving across the globe to work with the UK & Ireland Sodexo team in Scotland as Bid Solution Manager. 

    As per her usual, determined self, Mackenzie looks forward to the growth and learning opportunities that come with this promotion. 

    Although she is excited about what the future has in store, the goodbyes to her current team will be bittersweet. According to Mackenzie, the team have provided her not only mentorship but lifelong relationships too. 

    “Naturally, I’m very excited to be moving to Scotland, but also quite devastated to leave everyone here. I’ve been very lucky with the people I’ve been surrounded by,” she said. 

    I’m excited to meet new people, though, and learn new things. Being able to constantly learn, adapt and try different things has really driven me to keep going and keep pushing. I figure if I can keep pushing myself, things will come my way. 

    “I am definitely looking forward to continue progressing in this career with Sodexo!” 


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    With us, you can freely thrive in your own way. 

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