Jana Bartlett - Operations Director, E&R West, Sodexo Australia

Published on : 7/7/23
Reading time : 5 min
  • Jana says, ' I believe it is always daunting to step outside of your comfort zone but we can’t develop without coming up against challenges.'

    Through various diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives and programs, Sodexo is committed to creating a work environment where every employee feels valued, supported, and empowered to succeed. In particular, gender balance and mentorship have proven to be invaluable tools for career growth and development.

    On the occasion of Women in Mining Day, we had the pleasure of speaking with Jana Bartlett to discuss the importance of embracing equity in the industry. Jana shared some valuable insights and answered questions about allyship and the growth of women in mining for AREEA (Australian Resources & Energy Employer Association).

    To get a deeper understanding of the discussion, please find an excerpt of the Q&A session below:

    How integral have role models, mentors, or active managers been to your career?

    As women in business, I feel we naturally gravitate towards other women when it comes to identifying and approaching mentors. In my experience, I have been blessed with both male and female mentors who shared their belief in my ability and invested their time in my development. Without opening myself up to taking on critical feedback—or even conversing with my mentors—I wouldn’t be half the professional I am today.

    Having someone in your corner, who identifies and champions your capabilities before you even see them yourself is something you can never underestimate. I have been very lucky to have had people willing to push me to challenge myself to keep on taking new growth opportunities.

    What advice do you have for women emerging into their careers?

    I have always worked in a traditionally male sphere; now in energy and resources, but in financial spaces when I was younger. I believe it is always daunting to step outside of your comfort zone but we can’t develop without coming up against challenges. My advice would be to know your worth and what you bring to the table.

    One of the biggest arguments I have heard against women in leadership, or professional industries, is that we let our emotions get the better of us. But what makes us ‘female’—our empathy, compassion, and sincerity—are the traits that are now taught in leadership courses. Being successful in a male-dominated industry is about being as ‘soft’ as you have to be hard. Embrace yourself and let your instincts guide you.

    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are deeply embedded in our core values. Read more about our commitments 

    Read the AREEA Female Role Model Toolkit

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