Photo of Lucy with team

Lucy Musgrave - exemple of optimized version

About the author : Brand & Communications
Published on : 11/24/22
  • Trainee Village Manager Lucy Musgrave says no two days are ever the same, which makes for constant learning opportunities in her role. This perspective and her drive to chase down opportunities make Lucy not only a valuable member of the Sodexo team but a strong leader.

    Despite being one of the youngest people to be trained as a Village Manager in Sodexo, Lucy brings maturity, level-headedness, and passion beyond her years.

    Lucy spent five years backpacking through Europe and Canada after graduating high school in rural New South Wales, picking up the odd job here and there. But, on her return to Australia, Lucy wanted to pull up her bootstraps and try something that would shape a future career. This was when she applied for Sodexo as a bar and retail attendant.

    “I made it quite clear from the start, even in my very first role, that I wanted Sodexo to support me in building a career for myself. In my first week, I had approached my Village Manager and let her know that this current role is a stepping stone for me, and I want to be able to progress,” Lucy said.

    Every role they’ve thrown at me since has been done because they see the potential in me; Sodexo always wants to give me the tools and guidance to further myself.”

    Taking on a new challenge 

    Lucy was only a bar and retail attendant for a short while before she was moved into housekeeping, then into a supervisor role before transitioning into admin. Prior to her current position, Lucy mobilised a housekeeping team for a completely new site in the Pilbara.

    “The mobilisation is something I am proud of. We were in the unique position where we walked in, and nothing was pre-existing. We had to start everything from scratch,” she said.

    A huge achievement

    Lucy’s leadership was recognised when she was invited to step up into a Trainee Village Manager. In this role, she shadows numerous Village Managers and contributes to sites across Sodexo’s western operations. She is currently one of two people being trained in this role.

    “All the experience in the different departments is what has made me excel in this position, as I come to work with an understanding of how multiple roles and different departments work,” Lucy said.

    “Looking at it from a management level, we’re like a well-oiled machine. It is important to recognise that if one department doesn't work, the other one goes down as well.

    “My experience across a number of departments has set me up to support my future village to succeed.”

    Defining a new "norm"

    Working towards this goal, Lucy is confronting the perceived ‘norms’ in a historically male-dominated industry through her work ethic and ‘fresh approach’ that has been recognised by her supervisors.

    Identifying times that her age and gender had been an obstacle, Lucy shared that her belief in herself, confidence in her ability and authority, and support from Sodexo leadership has made all the difference.

    “The real challenge has been learning to be authoritative and trust that I know what I am talking about,” she said.

    “I know that in some instances, it can be confronting to walk into a room and hand out activities for the day—but this is exactly what this time is about, learning. I have senior people supporting me and cheering me on. I know I can do this.

    “I truly believe that you don’t have to be in a role for 10 years before you get a promotion or to move up and to be seen as seniority, or a manager, or have the experience behind you. It is about your drive and persistence to upskill and get support in your development.

    I have seen the high achievers and go-getters rewarded at Sodexo with the support and career progression that reflects their dedication and pride of their work. I really do believe that you can build the career you want here.

    At Sodexo, the support is here to get you where you want to be. Truly.”

    We’re proud of the path Lucy is blazing for herself and look forward to seeing where her strengths take her!

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