Harry Biundo - Facilities Manager

Published on : 8/21/23
Reading time : 7 min
  • Harry’s passion for helping others lends itself most to facilities management, he passionately works to improve the wellbeing of his co-workers every day, embodying the Sodexo spirit of service, team spirit and spirit of progress.

    There is no doubt that Harry Biundo has a passion for helping people.

    Day to day, Harry manages a team of seven direct reports as Facilities Manager for Sodexo’s Perth Regional Support Centre, ensuring the smooth operation and high-level service for more than 300  employees — all the while continually looking to enhance the building and his co-workers’ experience in the office.

    The compassion and genuine care Harry has for every single one of his co-workers has earnt him the unofficial title of ‘Sodexo Legend,’ and it’s not hard to see why.


    The people-centric approach 

    Harry’s willingness and openness to help others is at the core of everything he does.
    These qualities have been carried through every role taken on and every opportunity sought. Naturally, Harry thrives in a position where he can make a genuine, positive and tangible impact on the lives of those around him.

    Harry has served as a Private in the Royal Australian Army Infantry for more than six years, as a Reservist, completing deployments, patrol work, security and community operations such as supporting with disaster relief. 

    He has always embedded himself in the facilities he manages, previously working on-site as an Assistant Village Manager to ensure his camp provided the best possible services for residents, whether that was catering, cleaning or accommodation. 

    Harry regularly takes on opportunities to be a better manager himself, undertaking emotional awareness training to adapt his management style to the different wants and needs of individual team members. 

    But ultimately, what drives Harry is the perception of his co-workers as customers to serve. 

    At the end of the day, even though we work together, my co-workers are still my customers… all 300 of them,” he said.

    “I want to ensure I serve their needs and wants with compassion.”

    Embodying the spirit of service  

    Harry’s passion for helping others lends itself most to facilities management, and this compassion hasn’t gone unnoticed by his team.

    According to the team, Harry always displayed a high degree of integrity, innovation, responsibility and ambition, always striving for transformation in the office. 

    He passionately works to improve the wellbeing of his co-workers every day, embodying the Sodexo spirit of service, team spirit and spirit of progress.

    Besides the people, it’s the dynamic nature of the job that excites Harry every day.

    It’s such a diverse role. I’m in charge of this huge facility, and it is broken down into so many different components from hard services like the building systems, warehousing and maintenance to the soft services like cleaning, reception and the onsite café.”

    "No two days are ever the same, no two months are ever the same because the building is constantly evolving and changing to better suit the needs of Sodexo and its people.”

    Every month, Harry ensures that at least two to five projects are completed to improve this habitat. 

    So far, he has instated a wellness program with Yoga and Zumba, rebranded the building, completed many accessibility upgrades, increased the size of the on-site gym, installed electronic vehicle charging bays and solar panels and automated various building and lighting systems—just to name a few.

    No matter the task, Harry takes each and every project in his stride, stating that it’s simply his job to serve and care for those around him. It’s this dedication and innovation that have proven him a pillar of support for his team.

    “I’m a bit of a people pleaser, but at the end of the day, that’s the most important aspect of the job, having that service spirit.”

    After more than seven years exemplifying the service spirit, Harry was recognised as a finalist for Young Facilities Professional of the Year in the 2022 FM Industry Awards for Excellence.

    For Harry, this is simply the start. With the tools at his disposal and the continuing support of the team behind him, he is able to well and truly thrive.

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