
Village Critical Infrastructure Replacement

  • Published on Jun. 18, 2024

  • 4


Sodexo delivers integrated facilities management services for one of its largest clients’ assets in Australia’s Pilbara Region of Western Australia. It comprises operational sites, accommodation, commercial buildings, and residential properties across 32 villages, 5 towns, and 5 aerodromes.


The Pilbara is a remote arid region in northwest Western Australia. This harsh and remote environment imposes significant challenges in maintaining the serviceability and availability of water networks across the region. 

 A 2020 leak detection survey of a single site uncovered 17 significant leaks. Water loss in such a remote and arid environment can significantly impact the wellbeing of village residents, with the potential to halt operations if left unresolved. 

Sodexo Solution

Working with its client, Sodexo introduced a remote water monitoring and management system comprising sensors, loggers, instrumentation, and data transmission equipment – commonly referred to as Internet of Things (IoT) technology. 


We have replaced 60 km of water pipes in 4 villages, and similar works are planned for 4 more villages over the coming years.

Works were completed on fully operational sites, with construction closely managed through proper planning, scheduling, and stakeholder management to minimise service interruptions and adverse impacts on village residents. Horizontal drilling technology and articulated potholing are also minimising construction time.