
Gudai-Darri Social Hub

  • Published on May. 08, 2024

  • 5


The changing environment within Fly-In-Fly-Out (FIFO) villages calls for a rethink of how social activities are conducted, especially around the ‘old’ wet mess.

This rethink saw the creation of the social hub, ‘The Local’. Developed by Sodexo, this approach delivers a more holistic ‘home away from home’ experience - a key tenet of Sodexo’s commitment to enhancing the quality of services and life for residents.


Gudai-Darri Village, one of the largest mining communities in Western Australia, located 110km northwest of Newman, was selected to pilot the new Social Hub approach.

Resident surveys reflected the need for a contemporary, high-quality, inclusive, and safe space that would enhance the FIFO resident experience beyond the traditional wet mess.

Sodexo Solution

Sodexo was the project manager for the approved social hub concept. Initial design work commenced in late 2022, and the project was completed in December 2023.

The renovation works were completed in three stages to enable the ongoing operation of the ‘old’ wet mess to residents.

The project was also intended to not only improve the experience for FIFO workers but also for Gudai-Darri Village residents and visitors, offering a rejuvenated, contemporary venue for family and community events.

Impact - Achieved Together

The Gudai-Darri Village Social Hub was officially opened in January 2024.

The Social Hub project was delivered on time, within budget, and safely. In addition, the refurbishment was delivered high quality with minimal defects, with no incidents and all safety procedures followed. Each of the stages achieved the target delivery dates. The project team worked collaboratively with a common goal—It was a cohesive team.

Client contact

Sodexo views Gudai-Darri as a proof of concept that is scalable and something that can be replicated across its broader Energy and Resources portfolio.