Ensuring fundamental human rights at work


Our global commitments

As a signatory of the UN Global Compact, Sodexo is committed to respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

We further acknowledges and respects the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Entreprises and Social Policy, as well as the employment and industrial relations chapter of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. We recognise that companies have a responsibility to respect human rights as outlined in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Sodexo-IUF Agreement:

This international framework agreement confirms our commitments to respect fundamental rights at work, particularly the rights of association and collective bargaining.

Signed on December, 2011, the agreement provides the establishment of regular dialogue between senior management and employee representatives of Sodexo and the IUF. Sodexo-IUF International Framework Agreement

Committing to fundamental human rights:

Statement_FRW_ENOur Statement for Fundamental Human Rights at Work shows how we commit to respecting safety, diversity, dignity, freedom, children, employees’ representation, migrant workers, as well as lawful wages, benefits and worktime.

  • Freedom of association

We believe our employees should be able to voice their needs. We respect their right to bargain collectively and to join a union or not, free from any form of retaliation or discrimination.

  • Non-discrimination and inclusion

Because we care for people’s life stories, we’re an inclusive employer and fight discrimination on a daily basis. Our decisions are based on job related criteria in all situations.

  • Fighting against child labour

We defend children’s rights and only employ individuals at least 15 years of age, except in the case of apprenticeships or internships as part of a professional training program. In countries where the legal age is higher, we always respect local laws. 

  • Stopping forced labour and human trafficking

Our commitment to human dignity means that we have zero tolerance for any form of modern slavery.

Focus on sexual harassment prevention

Kitchen_600x400Equally important as our commitment to the respect of human rights, we signed on December 2011 an appendix establishing a regular dialogue between senior management and employee representatives of Sodexo and the IUF on sexual harassment prevention. Sodexo-IUF Agreement Appendix against sexual harassment.

Therefore, Sodexo and IUF considers sexual harassment as a problem that can damage relationships, poison the workplace environment and result in lasting psychological and social trauma. No employee, from front-line workers to the leadership team, should engage in this kind of behavior.

sexual_harassmentSexual harassment is a form of discrimination under ILO Convention 111. The Convention states that all human beings, irrespective of their race, beliefs or gender have the right to seek their material progress and spiritual development in freedom and dignity, economic security and with equal opportunities.

Focus on preventing and fighting against domestic violence

In our efforts to further support our employees globally, we signed a joint declaration with the IUF to fight against domestic violence worldwide on June 5, 2023.

Given the prevalence of domestic violence and its repercussions on the work environment, we have pledged to work together at the national and international levels, to develop a global framework to implement actions locally to mitigate the impacts of domestic violence, and to build an empathetic workplace, wherein trust and confidentiality are key.

We have been committed to fighting domestic violence through global and regional awareness and supporting initiatives for several years. Through this collaboration with the IUF, we aspire to go further by implementing global standards and maximizing the impact of its actions worldwide through a 3-stage process:

  1. Reinforce prevention by developing global standards and raising awareness;
  2. Support local employees and entities by providing tools to support employees;
  3. Train people and define appropriate prevention actions locally.

Sodexo-IUF Declaration to fight against domestic violence