
Responsible Sourcing

Our approach to responsible sourcing focuses on three priorities:

Our Supply Chain Inclusion Program was launched in North America in 2001. Its goal is to include and promote more small business in our ecosystem of suppliers.

This program is now active worldwide and promotes the inclusion of suppliers that fall into the following three categories:

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Companies owned and/or directed by women, minorities, or other underrepresented groups
  • Suppliers that actively support diversity and inclusion

Building a low carbon emissions supply chain to protect natural ecosystems

Responsible Sourcing contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:


Local Initiatives


billion euro of Sodexo business value benefiting SMEs*


of sustainable fish and seafood of total of fish and seafood procured


tons of CO2 Scope 3 Supply Chain carbon emissions

*(includes suppliers and merchants)

Let's Build a Better Tomorrow Together

Ready to make a real difference? Contact us today to explore how our services and commitments align with your goals for sustainability, community support, and environmental care. Together, we can create impactful solutions tailored to your needs.

Let's talk