Tammie Evans - Brand & Communications, CSR and DE&I Director

About the author : Brand & Communications
Published on : 7/7/23
Reading time : 5 min
  • As a female leader in a historically male-dominated environment, she has shared many of the same universal experiences of women: imposter syndrome; doing the same role for less pay; male counterparts being celebrated for traits that are reprimanded in women; and apprehension of parental leave and what it would mean for their career.

    Through various diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives and programs, Sodexo is committed to creating a work environment where every employee feels valued, supported, and empowered to succeed. In particular, gender balance and mentorship have proven to be invaluable tools for career growth and development. 

    On the occasion of Women in Mining Day, we had the pleasure of speaking with Tammie Evans to discuss the importance of embracing equity in the industry. Tammie shared some valuable insights and answered questions about allyship and the growth of women in mining for AREEA (Australian Resources & Energy Employer Association). 

    To get a deeper understanding of the discussion, please find an excerpt of the Q&A session below: 

    What has been your biggest career challenge? 

    While Sodexo was incredibly supportive with great initiatives like its partnership with Grace Papers, returning from parental leave and learning the juggle was challenging. Despite only being away from the business for six months, I was also returning after the almost two-year COVID-19 work from home mandate, so it was a huge readjustment. I was excited and felt ready to get back into work and somewhat prepared because of the support I had received via Grace Papers. The reality was a little different, the business had moved on without me and I had to get used to new very foreign activities like expressing milk in between meetings and being okay with not being one of the first people in the building and last to leave. Having a young family and managing a career is a real juggle, the experience has given me perspective and respect for all those who have come before me. 

    What advice do you have for women emerging into their careers? 

    Take opportunities to support the women around you. In a male-dominated industry, it may feel that you’re ‘pegged against’ the only other female in the team, but they are your peer. Openly challenge bias and lift each other up. Offer advice, speak the truth, and share your challenges. 

    I began my career working in a very different industry than planned, but throughout that time—and ongoing—I have had progressive male managers and successful female leaders who have supported my development and set the example for me as a leader. Be a role model to the next generation. 

    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are deeply embedded in our core values. Read more about our commitments 

    Read the AREEA Female Role Model Toolkit

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