
Teagan Matthews - Facilities Maintenance Supervisor

  • Published on Jul. 19, 2024

Teagan has had an impressive journey at Sodexo, starting in 2018 at the Pilbara Service Centre. Over the years, she has shown a strong interest in the IFMS contract and Fly-In, Fly-Out (FIFO), leading her to take on new challenges and build valuable connections within the facilities maintenance team. She is now in the Hope Downs 1 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor position, where her skills and dedication shine.

The Start of Something New

I have been eagerly awaiting the perfect opportunity to unleash my strengths and truly maximise my potential, and this was it,” she said.

"‘As much as I enjoy working in an office and behind a computer, I also value the opportunity to be onsite, spend time with tradespeople, learn new things, conduct safety walks, and share my perspectives on tasks that may require more attention. It's an awesome experience."

In early April 2023, Teagan commenced her role as a general hand, primarily focusing on facilitating the induction of new starters, managing administrative tasks, and providing support to the supervisor.

"Although I initially lacked expertise, I was privileged to fully engage in the trades and gain valuable insights into their daily operations. I devoted extensive time to shadowing the tradespeople and acquainting myself with their work," she said.

"I had to start from scratch, learning about the tools and grasping different codes. I also had to adapt to the FIFO lifestyle. Fortunately, I had an exceptional team that mentored me."

Challenging the Status Quo

teagan-matthews-portrait.jpgTeagan is passionate about maximising her potential and embracing new opportunities. Her willingness to step out of her comfort zone and challenge the status quo is commendable. She values open communication, inclusivity, and adaptability, which creates a supportive and value-driven environment for her team.

"Challenging the status quo was a significant step. I knew that few women were in hands-on roles, particularly in FIFO. Stepping out of my comfort zone, I embraced the opportunity. I must admit it was daunting at first, but upon arrival, I was pleasantly surprised. Numerous women were in various departments, creating a diverse and inclusive FIFO community. I felt safe."

"I vividly remember the warm welcome from the team when I arrived on site. The facilities maintenance team welcomed me with open arms and took the time to give me a guided tour of the entire village, including the facilities maintenance warehouse. The sense of community and hospitality was heartwarming, leaving a good impression," she reminisces.

“They made sure I felt comfortable, and I was. The little actions we do, do matter,” she added. 

“Now, as I lead my own team, I prioritise to emulate the inclusive approach that made such a lasting impression on me. I constantly emphasise the value of adaptability in the face of change, as it fosters a culture of acceptance, openness and flexibility within the team.”

“This orientation towards open communication has allowed me to wear different hats as the situation demands. Whether stepping into the role of a supervisor to provide guidance and support or simply being a friend and colleague, I strive to create an environment where everyone feels supported and valued.”

Embracing New Challenges

Teagan is dedicated to inspiring others, especially women, to pursue hands-on roles and succeed in traditionally male-dominated environments like FIFO. 

Teagan's closing sentiment, "If I can do it, anyone can do it," embodies her belief in individuals' capability to overcome challenges and thrive in inclusive work environments. Her journey stands as a beacon of inspiration for all who aspire to embrace new opportunities, foster inclusivity, and drive positive change in the workplace. 

Overall, Teagan's journey and accomplishments make her an invaluable asset to Sodexo, and her leadership style fosters a culture of acceptance and excellence within her team.


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