
“We Proudly Serve Starbucks®” comes to regional town of Pannawonica in WA first

  • Published on Jul. 05, 2023


Pannawonica is about to receive a fresh caffeine fix as food and facilities management services provider Sodexo Australia (Sodexo) opens the first Western Australian “We Proudly Serve Starbucks®” coffee offering.

After a couple of years in the making, this represents a $250,000 investment as part of Sodexo's complete refurbishment of the local Panna Café.

Pannawonica is an entirely self-contained town owned by Rio Tinto, home to approximately 700 people. 

Sodexo Assistant Village Manager and 10-year resident of Pannawonica, Diedre Clayson, said: “Everyone in town has been eagerly awaiting the launch of the new Panna Café.”

Sodexo Australia Executive Director IFMS (Rio Tinto Iron Ore) Contract, Taryn Petersen, said: “It’s important to us that we bring quality offerings and service to the communities where we operate, even the most regional and remote. We hope the newly refurbished café will continue to be a hub for the community”.

Rio Tinto Iron Ore General Manager, Facilities, Toby Ellis said: “We put people at the heart of everything we do and continue to look at how we can enhance experiences in all our villages and towns."

“We are extremely excited to open the refurbished Panna Café, which will host another “We Proudly Serve Starbucks®” coffee offering available at our Facilities after its successful introduction in Yandicoogina last year.”

"We are delighted to offer the first "We Proudly Serve Starbucks®” coffee to the public in Western Australia.”

The grand opening of the Panna Café will take place on Friday, 7 July.

Sodexo and Rio Tinto have coordinated a community day full of activities, from street eats to live music.